Christmas Message 2021
In 2020, they said it was a year that we will remember, we can add 2021 to that also. Back-to-back unforgettable years.
The last two years have challenged us all in so many varied ways, and while we each may have been affected differently, we have all unanimously felt that sense of separation from those we love.
With the inability to gather physically with the people we love, comes a sense of isolation and helplessness, add grief to that if you have lost someone this year and it is a very heavy burden to carry. Whilst we can still use technology to connect via phone, and video calls, the physical presence of those we love will truly mean so much more than the presents this year and we all have a renewed sense of what and who is important to us.
I really hope that Christmas and the festive season is a wonderful time for you to gather with those that are near and dear. Whom you haven’t had the opportunity to spend quality time with during 2020 and 2021.
To anyone who is isolated from their family this Christmas, our thoughts are with you. Our hope is that technology can keep you connected via phone, facetime and zoom to still share memories together this year, even though you are apart.
For those who have experienced loss this year and as you face your first Christmas without the loved one present at your dining table we very much think of you. In so many ways for so many people that experienced loss in 2020 and 2021, much of their grief is still unresolved. For many, COVID19 restricted family members from being with their loved ones prior to their death, limited the number of loved ones that could attend the funeral or at a family gathering afterward and I am sure as a result your loss will be felt significantly more during this festive season. We hope that with eased restrictions you may be able to now gather with those you love, in remembering those you have lost.
If you have experienced loss, can I encourage you on Christmas Day to do what is right for you. Talk about your loved one, play their favourite music, light a candle in their memory, bake their favourite food, toast them with their favourite drink, tell those funny stories, have some quiet time in that special place to both your loved one and you. There is no right or wrong, no one walks in your shoes and you should do what is best for you during this festive season.
Here are some helpful hints on how to cope with Christmas in particular.
We also offer a Christmas Service online, featuring our dear friend Denis Walter, that you are able to view in your own time, you can click here to leave a message for your loved one and watch the service.
Furthermore, if you need someone to talk to, please don’t hesitate to call Lifeline 13 11 14 at Christmas, New Year or any other day.
All the best for Christmas and 2022, stay safe.
Kind Regards
James MacLeod